Farewell Crypto; Spring Equinox 2012
At dawn of the spring Equinox I awoke with a list in my head of things to be done. I had about three hours to tick off my list and be ready for our opening celebration. Spirit had other plans. My beautiful dog was lying lifeless killed in such a useless, heartbreaking way.
The next two hours was a blur as we dealt with having to bury him, explain to children what had happened and get on with the day ahead of us. I wondered if I could just phone and cancel after all there wasn’t multitudes of people to call. But I had already tried to escape this day and within me I knew that “the show must go on.” This was a paradox in itself as over the course of the day I came to realise there wasn’t an element of showmanship to what had been created it was pure love and intention.
Crypto was all love and an immense gift for us. He was a free to a good home puppy rescued from a dismal home. He slept inside on a crochet blanket and sat with the kids wherever they were playing. Outside he was always there under my feet or waiting for me by the banks of the river or outside the tepee, you fretted immensely when we were away from you. Crypto you were my friend and guardian and I miss you so.
When we said goodbye as a family and the sun set a brilliant orange we all knew you were not truly gone. We scattered orange petals left over from the equinox infused with all the heart love and healing of the day, a candle burned its flickering light throughout the night
A couple of weeks earlier whilst digging in the new garden I stopped to take photos, just in case. Spirit had already been to call in my dreams and as the weeks went on and you were still here I thought it might not be true, but just in case I needed to capture you in time.
Thanks for all the love and everything you bought me I know why it was to be this day that you left.
Bless your beautiful soul.