Licking the Lens
Jessie licking the lens! What a soul we love her so. Five weeks on from survival mode and she is thriving. The bottle feeding will soon come to an end as she ahhmm, moooves on to greener pastures! We will continue to offer her the usual treats outside of the bottle. The best of these being fresh eggs from our chooks who she is so inquisitive about.
It is one of the gold things that I researched when I was concerned about her health and developing scours, an old farmers remedy of adding an egg fresh from the chook pen (must be your own or neighbouring eggs) and it worked for us immediately. Funny moments of Jessie following me into the chook pen whilst I retrieve the first early egg of the morning and the entailing commotion. Everyone has settled down now and very much used to each others company. I have locked the sheep in the front paddock with her now and our neighbouring padoock has livestock she has been keeping company with by the fence. Soon her herd will be bought up to the front paddocks and it is up to her to join them (gulp) in the paddocks that is, as she will not be making it to the sale yards.