
Way into Winter Retreat


Nurture your inner wellbeing & so create your wellspring. Yin in nature practices, nature trails, meditations & inner journey's. Teachings centred around cultivating a beneficial & meaningful way into & through your winter journey. A passage that is deep, healing & aligned to the cyclical rhythm that is the Winter way.

A small & exclusive group setting on an organic farm in the Byron Bay Hinterland. A culinary journey by Burbury Wholefoods. Private rooms for those who prefer there own space of an evening. Teachings from Melissa & other surprise offerings unveiled in the fullness of time.

Fire side stories, afternoon book club, wellness therapies & a kind & compassionate community of like minded women.

I welcome you to the unearthing of your own "Winter Way".

Dear community of soul seekers

I am currently drawing back from many of my offerings. This is because I am deep in formulation of some beautiful new ideas. This includes new international paths in 2026 & another local project I will soon open mid 2025. Please stay with me as i create the new.

New doorways opening

 Check back over 2025