A Prickly Tale
Bathurst Burr. It has on occasion bought on a melt down, a why the *#@^ am I here dealing with this sort of crap meltdown.
This season I was happy enough to travel the farm and report significant decreases on previous years infestations. Yes, the chipping, digging and pulling was paying off I was seeing results. I was also ready to take the blinkers off as I reached what I shall name “The Paddock of no Return”.
Last season after weeks of chipping I made it to this paddock and it was just so bad I turned away and LET IT GO. This March I put my head down and got going with it, the circle got a little wider, I put my head up and found my mantra and on we went and then, I WAS FINISHED, (with that paddock).
After musing on weeds imitating life I had to Google search some weed quotes for the occasion.
What is essential to practice the Tao is to get rid of cravings and vexations. If those afflictions are not removed, it is impossible to attain stability. This is like the case of the fertile field, which cannot produce good crops as long as the weeds are not cleared away. Cravings and ruminations are the weeds of the mind if you do not clear them away, concentration and wisdom do not develop. – Chang San-Feng