Ocean Therapy Retreat
The Autumn weather arrived just in time for our Ocean Therapy weekend retreat to the (I am totally biased;) stunning coastline of Point Lonsdale, whilst it was the first time in a while that many of us had to search for the winter jackets we were all kept warm and relaxed with yoga, beach walks, beautiful food and good company.
The main house was gorgeous with its undercover deck and open fire and we divided our time between the houses which were in walking distance to the village centre and beaches of Point Lonsdale. We also spent time delving into our yoga practice at the beautiful yoga studios of Kyo Yoga in neighbouring Ocean Grove. This included us enjoying lunch at Kyosk cafe adjacent to one of the Kyo yoga studios.
The two beautiful studios of Kyo with stunning garden areas and water features to enjoy morning tea and time out from the yoga practice. On Sunday we walked along the beach to the Ocean front yoga studio. In the photo on the left you can just see the Point Lonsdale lighthouse disappear from view as the group walks the 8kms to the studio (we only walked the one way;)
The rise of the sun over an Ocean is always such a natural way to come back into the present moment with peace and appreciation of the beautiful world that we live in, the breath naturally flows towards a more meditative and relaxed state.
I cannot wait to bring the next group back to Point Lonsdale in late spring this year/early Autumn the following for more weekend retreats with a new look and vibe. I hope to offer some new adventureous opportunities for activities including the option to learn to surf or stand up paddle board. Until the next time, Namaste