The final wrap
Stacks on stacks of gratitude for everyone who has supported Becoming Yoga in 2016. From Seymour to Strath Creek, Yea and beyond. you have all taught me so much more about who I am and how I can best teach and facilitate what I love so much. I am using the next few days to really align with our closing sunkalpa or class intentions, namely that less is more right now. I’ll be dusting my self off(energetically) to stand and see the year off at peace and present in the moment as well as being open to the transformational qualities incoming for 2017.
With the new year it feels like we are being offered a new download or platform to stand from and we need only take the time to tune in to the incoming frequency and make sure we take the jump from the familiar carriages we have been travelling from. From this vanatge point I am looking forward to bringing some beautiful retreats into form including our reviving trip to Ubud, Bali of which there are two lucky places still available. If anyone is considering a last minute trip of a lifetime visit here. Weekend coastal retreats are being created as well as fresh classes and work shops.
As I will be taking some time away from regular classes in Seymour I want to make sure not to create too much of this…
So… there are 2 Saturday classes booked in January compromising of a one hour general class and if there is enough interest a one hour workshop following. There will be the opportunity to participate in one or both. Flyers will be out very early in the new year. The dates are
Saturday 14th January 8am @VRI hall
Saturday 21st January 8am @VRI hall
I will be spending time in January at my old digs @ Pt Lonsdale so for those on the coast I am available for individual or small group yoga and/or meditation classes. I can run these classes from my 20 ft tipi (pictured below) which is equipped with a timber deck to practice on and I supply all mats, blocks and bolsters. If I can gauge enough interest I may look into hiring a space for a combined yoga, meditation workshop.
Our christmas raffle was drawn by my daughter at the close of todays class and unfortunately no one present this morning picked up a prize. I decided to make the prizes smaller so as to have more winners and will be contacting everyone shortly. The winners are
Vicki Chapman Gift boxed Alimentum massage voucher /Irene Davey Gift boxed Alimentum massage voucher / Chris Chapman 4 class yoga pass / Kerrie Lorenzi 4 class yoga pass / Hayley James beautiful sparkling wine, teas & chocolates.
If anyone is looking for last minute gift ideas I can offer yoga & meditation passes. Contact me if you are interested.
So that is just about a wrap. I will be sending out a mail drop in the new year with timetables and info for 2017 so if you have not subscribed to my mailing list please message me or drop me a line with your email.
To close some Rumi for you
“What you seek is seeking You”
So relax into the infinite intelligence that surrounds you.
Much love,